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Kindred Soul

occasionally when she calls, she'll say how she'd look

forward to our talks

I do as well, she's passionate, crazy, genuine

independent and loyal and completely unorthodox

separated by almost 3 scores but between us there's just

something wonderfully familiar

she's my patient turned friend and now honorary older

Caucasian sister

lately our conversations can be counted in the hour

rarely in a rush she lives for the moment and every single


remembering the all the times we just couldn't stop


she's the leader, I back up we speak in sync while

respectfully listening

physical opposites our union is based off of respect and

honesty, a farm girl to my city

death we discuss in love never fear mixed with a little

humor cause we're Scorpios and we love being witty

losing her twin the her mate frustrated she asks "Why

am I still here?"

I confess without a doubt, it's probably because I ask

more time with you in my daily prayer

a fatigued smirk, labored breathing, I can't deny the

apparent and obvious changes

she takes my hand reminds me my professional

background says I understand life stages

so I switch to who she needs as we embrace and prepare

for her transitioning

kindred soul as promised I'm checking in on your family

as we all are now grieving


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