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Serial F-Ups

a dominant trait, labeled and often tagged as special,

betrays is costly for those value loyalty

an everlasting style of commitment paired with a

habitual contract killer who breaks it to avoid penalty

guess I'm at fault, the guilty party for not being able to

convince, show motive or present enough evidence for you

no need for a judge it's unanimous and clear, we are

different people with different points of view

we used to love to dance around word play your write up

stylus in black and I chose to pen in color

automatic driver I treasure a classic while you trade in

exchange and to save a dollar

my study partner, friend, and lover together we were

learning a foreign language

another failed test, makes it impossible to advance when

our progress report shows more damage

a frequent flyer, round trip traveler I'm always ending

where I started

with duty customs fare and extra baggage fee with an

increasing spending habit

a rocky couple's retreat as you back out, I'm familiar with

the exit row and landing packet

love is a tricky business, when hearts shutdown there'd

no winner we're all out of luck

unsuccessful entrepreneurs who start up to put down

only creates serial fuckups


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